Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ch. 2

Friday, August 22, 2008

10:03 AM


  • Changing ideas over time

    • Preformationism-

      • Life starts with the new individual already preformed, compsed of a full set of tiny parts

    • Epigenesis- (aristotle)

      • An emergence of new structures and functions during development

    • Embryology-

      • Study of prenatal development

  • Conception (just know general overview)

    • Gametes (germ cells)

      • Reproductive cells that only have half of the genetic material compared to other cells in the body

      • 23 chromosomes in each

      • Reduction allows for reproduction (need 23 pairs)

      • Egg (mother) and sperm (father)

    • Egg moves from the ovaries through the fallopian tube to the uterus

    • If sperm are present, conception can take place

    • Union of egg and sperm (gametes) results in 23 pairs of chromosomes

  • Sex differennces begin at conception

    • Approximately 120 to 150 males are conceived for every 100 females

    • The sperm bearing the y chromosome are lighter and swim faster to the egg than those bearing an x chromosome

    • However, male embryos are miscarried at higher rates than female

    • Boys are more vulnerable to developmental disorders

    • Males are also more vulnerable to illness through out life

  • The zygote

    • Def: fertilized egg

    • Contains a full complemet of human material, half from each parent

  • 3 periods of prenatal dev

    • Germinal

      • Conception to 2 weeks

      • Lasts until the zygote becomes implanted in the uterine wall

      • Rapid cell division takes place

    • Embryonic

      • 3 to 8 weeks after conception

      • Major development occurs in all the organs and systems of the body

    • Fetal

      • 9 weeks after conception to birth

      • Continued development of physical structures and rapid growth of the body

      • Inc levels of behavior, sensory exp, and learning

  • The cells

    • 4 major developmental processes transform a zygote in an ambryo and then a fetus

      • Cell division

        • Rapidly 

      • Cell migrations

        • Occurs during embryonic period,

        • Cells move to another part of fetus

        • Move from inside brain out

      • Cell differentiation

        • Any cells can form into any other type of cells

      • Selective death of certain cells (apoptosis)

        • Could be born with webbed feet if does not occur

      • Hormones

        • Testosterone = male genetalia

  • Twins

    • Identical twins

      • Splitting in half of the cell mass, same genes

    • Fraternal

      • Two eggs are released into the fallopian tube

      • Not genetically same

  • Embryo

    • After implantations, inner cell mass becomes embryo and rest of cells develop into support system

    • Neural becomes brain and spinal cord

    • Support system includes:

      • Placenta: permits exchange of materials between bloodstream of fetus and that of mother

      • Umbilical cord: tube that contains the blood vessels that travel from the placenta to the developing organism and back again

  • Protecting the fetus

    • The placental membrane is a barrier against some, but not all toxins and infectious agents

    • The amniotic sac: a membrane filled with fluid in which the fetus floats, which provides a protective buffer for fetus

      **Just need a basic understanding of development**

  • Embryo at 4 weeks

    • Prenatal development from the 4th week on is cephalocaudal

      • Inside out development - cells go from the inside towards outside

      • Development towards head happens earlier than development towards the extermities

  • Face development from 5.5 and 8 weeks

    • Cleft pallet can occur at this time

  • Fetus at 9 weeks

    • Head is half of the body length

    • Internal organs are beginning to be present

    • Sexual differentiation starts

    • Starts to make small movements

  • Fetus at 11 weeks

    • Lobes of brain differentiate

    • Heart is visible

  • Fetus at 16 weeks

    • Body starts to catch up to head

    • Makes movements mom can feel

    • Sex of baby can be determined

  • Fetus at 18 weeks

    • Thumb sucking

    • Rapid growth

  • Fetus at 20 weeks

    • Raises eyebrows and makes facial expressions

  • Fetus at 28 weeks

    • Can give birth and have a chance to survive

  • The fetus: an active contributor to its own development

    • Swallowing amniotic fluid

      • Promotes the normal development of the palate

      • Aids in the maturation of the digestive system

    • Movement of the chest wall and pulling in and expelling small amounts of amniotic fluid

      • Helps the respiratory system become functional

  • Fetal rest activity cycles

    • Become stable during the second half of pregnancy

    • Circadian rhythms are also present

    • Near the end of pregnancy, fetus's sleep and wake states are similar to newborns

  • Sensation

    • Sensory structures are present relatively early in prenatal development

    • Play a vital role in fetal development and learning

      • Tactile stimulation

      • Sounds

        • Moms voice most prevelant

        • Picks up info about mother voice

      • Visual experience is negligible

        • Least developed when baby is born

      • Tastes and smells the amniotic fluid

  • Fetal Learning

    • At 32 weeks gestation, the fetus dec responses to repeated or continued stimulations, a simple form of learning called habituation

    • Newborn infants have been shown to recognize rhymes and stories presented before birth

    • Newborns also prefer smells, tastes, and sound patterns that are familiar because of prenatal exposure

  • Hazards to prenatal development

    • Miscarriage

      • Spontaneous abortion

      • 45% or more of conceptions result in very early miscarriages

      • 15-50% of pregnancies of which women are aware are miscarried

      • Usually have severe defects

    • Teratogens

      • Def: environmental agents that have the potential to cause harm during prenatal development

      • Timing is a crucial factor

        • Sensitive period

          • Thalidomide- moms took it to ease morning sickness. Didn’t know it caused birth defects

      • Dose response relations

        • The more used, the more harm it causes

      • Individual differences influence the effects of teratogens

      • Sleeper Effects

        • Don’t see anything thing wrong with baby, but could effect 20 years down the road

      • Include legal as well as illegal substances

      • Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

        • Associated with mental retardation, facial deformity, and other problems

      • Cigarettes smoking during pregnancy is linked to retarded growth and low birth weight

        • Has been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), although the ultimate causes of SIDS are still unknown

          • Happens between 2-6 months

          • Higher risk with multiple births

          • Higher in winter months

          • Various things to help prevent

            • Get prenatal care

              • See doctor

              • Eat well

              • No drugs, alcohol

            • Wait till older to have baby

            • Wait at least one year to have next child

            • Breast feed

    • Maternal factors

      • Age - young or older mothers have more of a risk

      • Nutrition - need good nutrition

      • Disease - disease may have an effect on the fetus

      • Emotional state - mothers who are more depressed and higher anxiety tend to have kids with more problems

  • Birth Experience

    • Oxytocin

      • Released and helps facilitates birth milk

    • Three stages

      • Contractions and dilation

      • Birth of baby

      • Delivery of placenta

    • Cultural variations exist in the birthing experience

  • Neonatal assessment: APGAR

    • Take tests 1 and 5 minutes after born

    • 7 or above: good

    • Below 3: not good

    • Can get score between 0 and 2 on each part

    • Appearance - skin color

    • Pulse - heart rate

      • Want it to be above 100

    • Grimace - reflex irritability

      • Screams when you poke it with things, want your baby to be upset

    • Activity - muscle tone

      • Wants your baby to be moving around when it is born

    • Respiration - breathing

      • Needs to be breathing on its own

  • The Newborn infant

    • State of Arousal

  • Interacting with environment

    • State: infants level of arousal and engagement in the environment

      • Deep sleep to intense activity

      • Important for newborn to explore

  • Crying

    • Why do babies cry?

      • Very early on, it’s the way they tell you something is wrong

      • Later on, can display frustration

      • Type of cry babies exhibit change over time

    • Effective soothing techniques?

      • Burp, change diaper, feed, swaddling (only with very wrong babies)

    • Colic

      • Crying for no apparent reason

  • Infant Mortality

    • Death during the first year after birth

      • African american infants are more than twice as likely to die before their first birthday as euro american babies

      • Poverty and lack of health insurance

  • Low birth weight infants

    • Infants weighing less than 5.5 lbs are considered to be of Low birth weight (LBW)

      • Premature

        • LBW infants bron at or before 35 weeks after conception

      • Small for gestation age (SGA)

        • Birth weight is substantially less than the norm for their gestational age

  • Risk factors

    • Tend to occur together in the world

    • A negative outcome is more likely when there are multiple risk factors

  • Developmental resilience

    • Successful development in the face of multiple developmental hazards