Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So, Ive decided to go back to school to pursue school counseling. I am tired of feeling like I have nothing going on in this life and running from my problems. I like the travel, but I can not travel by myself anymore. I need more substance to this life. So Ive decided to go back to school not because I feel I have to, but because I truly want to.

It seems I should be able to receive the HOPE scholarship one more semester, which is one more semester which I thought I would not have it. Im pretty happy about that. Combine that with the lack of luck in the job market and I am pretty psyched about it.

So, I have been recently getting into reading more and more books about global warming and our environment. I know alot of people think global warming is a hoax and made up, but even so, we need to stop screwing the environment up. God gave us this Earth and we need to take care of it. I wish I knew more law stuff to effect the issues on environmentalism in the US. Even though Americans are only 5% of the worlds population, we consume 25% of the resources. It makes me ashamed to be called an American. Everyone on this planet is and should be equal. No one will argue with that. But then how can we justify and rationalize these percentages? Im still working through this issue myself. All I know is, something much change. God is sovereign and this world is a temporary place.... but something much change.
Dont get me wrong, Im still the same fun loving guy that loves to have fun but Im tired of "not saying anything" just so people will not get upset. This is a very important issue and we need to educate the world on it. Indifference is why this world is dieing. This world needs Love. What that means is probably much different to me than most people. I believe that is compassion for the poor, the disenfranchised, to nature and animals, to our brothers, to our enemies, and to God.

Sorry about that rant I got on to. Its 5 in the morning and I cant sleep. Going running with Tommy in 3 hours but just cant get myself to sleep. Dont you hate those nights?

Started reading a book about if you only had 30 days to live. Its one of those christian inspirational books that is probably very cliche and wont have much effect on my life further down the road. But it started getting me thinking, how would I live my life if I did have 30 days to live? I wouldnt care what people thought of me. I wouldnt be afraid to show my emotions to the girl of my dreams. I wouldnt get bummed out at the small things. To find out I really did have 30 days to live and be content with my life, not to change a thing is what I want to be striving for. Have no regrets. Not going to do anything stupid and foolish, but I have one life to live and I want to live it.

With that being said, starting today I am going to pursue life to the fullest. Going to stop procrastinating and going. Not going to be afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve. Start opening up to people and seeing the true beauty that they are. See the glory in nature everywhere. As Thereou put it "to suck the marrow out of life".

If this is sounding selfish, I dont mean for it to be. I believe love and serving go hand in hand. I just dont want to be afraid to do either of those anymore. I mean, God loves me. What more do I need and want?

I hope you know that too.

1 comment:

TCH said...

Hey I really do believe you will make a great counselor. I also know, from a little experience, that life is too short to wait around on others to make those 'first moves' whatever they might be...life is about being active (this is not meant to sound like an advertisment for some kind of 50+ vitamin). So, go get em' tiger!
