Friday, April 4, 2008

Livin' in Cali

I have officially arrived and am now living in Long Beach, California. I arrived Tuesday night and have forgotten to update this blog. Im sorry! I will try better from now on.

Anyways, these couple days have just been spent hanging out with Kevin (my brother) and scouting out Long Beach. I need to look for a job, which did not happen today. The nights have consisted of sleeping on a futon cushion in the middle of the living room. Not the optimal way to live but it works for now.

Tomorrow is the Farmers market near the apartment and I am really looking forward to it. You have to love fresh food and no supermarket corporations (well, I do at least).

I still have no idea how long I plan on staying out here but I think I do want to go back to school to finish up my degree. Im thinking something in the medical field, maybe nursing perhaps?

Oh, and its my birthday! 23 years, phew, I am old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Seth, now you're just pulling a could totally get a job if you wanted in Nursing IF you finally finish college. But, we never know if you will actually stay there...Seth just marry someone and be a stay at home dad...or something. lol...I'm sure you'll find yourself one day...may I suggest teaching English in another country?
- Kyle